When you are caring for a loved one with heart disease or someone recovering from a cardiac event, 你可能会觉得太忙而无暇顾及自己. But caring for yourself is as important as caring for your loved one. 实现平衡可能是最难的部分.
This is especially true when a sudden cardiac event occurs. As that person recovers 和 begins cardiac rehab, family members should begin to turn back to their other responsibilities. Feeling comfortable doing so — knowing when the emergency is passed — is often a challenge.
Caregivers who focus solely on themselves may let others down, while those who just concentrate on the patient’s needs may neglect taking care of themselves.
Setting aside your own needs to focus on your loved one's needs is underst和able. That’s a normal 和 expected reaction in the short-term when the shock of the cardiac event is still fresh. 然而, it is not a good strategy for you or for your loved one for caregiving over the weeks 和 months of recovery.
When you take on the additional role of caregiver for a loved one with heart disease or recovering from a cardiac event, it can be difficult to make time for healthy habits. You may overlook healthy eating 和 exercise, opting for convenience 和 processed foods. 随着线上电子游戏飞禽走兽的推移,营养价值下降, 过量的钠 和 添加糖 of these foods can have serious health implications for you 和 your family members, 尤其是儿童.
Here are some tips on managing 和 modeling healthy habits for the whole family:
- 学习心脏健康. 当你是“美食家”,” you underst和 the nutritional value of what you’re preparing, 服务和饮食. 在某种程度上,这包括学习阅读和写作 了解营养标签 和成分.
- 教导心脏健康. When children become accustomed to eating foods that are high in salt 和 添加糖, they are at risk of developing lifetime taste preferences that can lead to poor diets 和 poor health. Many parents are often hard-pressed for time to prepare nutritious meals, but there are resources, 包括这些食谱, that offer tips on preparing quick meals that are lower in salt 和 sugars.
- 促进心脏健康. Developing better eating habits is often a step-by-step exploration of new foods 和 recipes. This can be achieved by gradually introducing healthier foods 和 drinks. Experiment to find healthy foods your family enjoys.
- 心脏健康建模. 孩子们从模仿他们的行为中学习. When parents adopt healthier habits, they are encouraging their children to do the same. If your family’s diet is heavy on potato chips 和 light on veggies, start making the switch. Offer crispy raw vegetables instead of processed snacks. 如果你们都狂饮苏打水, cut back to a small amount each week 和 gradually limit it altogether or keep it as a treat for a special occasion.
找线上电子游戏飞禽走兽 参加体育活动 can feel daunting but it should be a priority. Getting as little as 30 minutes of exercise a day, 比如快走, can reduce your risk of heart disease 和 stroke.
Balance taking care of your loved one with taking care of yourself. Neglecting your own needs may lead to burn out, meaning you won’t be able provide the kind of loving care over the long term that you intend.
Take these steps can help you take care of yourself 和 your loved one:
- Learn about the nature of your loved one’s condition, its treatments 和 the estimated timeline for recovery.
- Think about what you can realistically do for your loved one. Also begin reflecting on what might be too much for you over time, such as staying home from work.
- Start assembling a support team to help with caregiving duties, 比如准备饭菜, household chores 和 driving to medical appointments.
- 接触. Find someone you can talk to about your fears 和 doubts. Make sure this person can give you reassurance 和 emotional support.
Caregivers often experience personal 和 spiritual growth through the caregiving process. They learn about their own resilience, competence 和 capacity for self-sacrifice.